I'm Wild

I'm Wild book cover by Magic Moments

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ISBN: 978-1-7354433-0-0

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I’m Wild is Poetry for Wild Hearts

Magic Moments tumbles through life like it was a dream, gravitating towards adventure, wisdom, passion, and bliss

I’m Wild is Magic Moments’ debut collection of poetry. It’s organized by theme and ordered chronologically so readers can choose their own experience. Follow Magic Moments through the dizziness of being a teenager coming-of-age into the rigid confines of modern adulthood, or choose from over a dozen universal human emotions like love, sadness, rebellion, hope, inspiration, acceptance, happiness, and more. 

Born in Sofia, Bulgaria and raised in the streets of Los Angeles and New York, Magic Moments was exposed to a multitude of cultures growing up and these influences on his music and writing helped foster a truly global perspective. Known for his uplifting songwriting and playful blending of musical genres, the poetry in this book is as equally inspired by the beat, spoken word, slam, and freestyle hip hop scenes as it is by the romantic, transcendental, and surrealist movements. 

Written over the course of many years, I’m Wild connects the threads of Magic Moments’ childhood and the years since with over 200 original poems. Readers of all types will find their own beacons of optimism and fearlessness within these pages.

Do you have a wild heart? Are you ready to set it free? Then let’s go, being wilder than we’ve ever been before…

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